
The Events feature allows Content Creators to add events to the website and display them in a Listing Page view, a Weekly Events view, a Monthly Calendar view, an Event Detail Page view, and an Upcoming Events Teaser List view. Any event can be featured on any page using the Featured Items block. Site visitors can also browse for events by date and event category.

To Create an Event

  1. From the top administration bar, navigate to Add Content > Event.

  2. Enter a Title.

  3. Enter the starting and ending Dates and Time.

  4. Enter a Location.

  5. In the Body field, enter information about the event.

  6. Select your Section if you have defined one.

    • For sections, a Taxonomy for Event_headings needs to be created by the Site Manager. Example Sections: Cost, Extra Directions, Dinner Menu Items. Sections are optional.

  7. Add a feature image if there is one for the event, such as a poster image. Images must be no smaller than 200x160 pixels and no larger than 1140x570 pixels.

  8. Add a descriptive Alternative Text.

  9. Caption is optional.

  10. Add any files relevant to the Event and enter, and/or a related website with a descriptive title.

  11. If you have the proper authority to publish, select Published in "Publishing options."

  12. Select Save.

Last updated