News Panes
N3 - Recent news teaser list: Content Pane with Image
With this view each featured news content item displays the Date
the news article was added to the site (in descending order), the Feature Image
and the Title
of the news article.
N3 - Recent news teaser list
With this view each featured news content item displays the Date
the news article was added to the site (in descending order) and the Title
of the news article
N4 - Recent news teaser (bootstrap layout)
With this view each featured news content item displays the Feature Image
and the Title
of the news article.
N4 - Recent news teaser (bootstrap layout): Content pane with Summary
With this view each featured news content item displays the Feature Image
, Title
, and some summary text. The summary text is the full Summary
field of the news content item. If the Summary
field is empty then a trimmed Body
field (96 characters) is used.
N5 - Browse news by date
With this view users can browse past news articles by month (the month the news article was added to the site).
Last updated