
Drupal's Webform module allows you to collect information from site users. After a webform submission, users as well as adminsitrators can receive confirmation. Results can be exported into Excel or other spreadsheet applications.

/! Note: If Google reCAPTCHA is not enabled on your site please email your Drupal Contact at CCS or email ccs.websolutions@uoguelph.ca to enable this feature.

Creating a Webform

Basic Form Details

  1. From the Administration bar, navigate to Add content > Webform.

  2. Enter a title for your webform and click Save.

Form Components

  1. Start adding components by entering the component label and the type of component it is, then click Add.

  2. You can set any type of field as mandatory or optional.

Add Textfield or Textarea

A textfield is for short entries like names, while a textarea is a large area for longer responses.

  1. Fill in a new label and choose the Textfield or Textarea type from the drop down menu. Click Add, and complete the options on the next screen.

    • On the next screen, you can specify the Maxlength of a textfield, a placeholder, or any prefix or postfix that you want to appear in the textfield.

    • You can also enable a textarea to be resizeable.

Add a "Select" field

  1. Fill in a new label and choose the Select options type from the drop down menu. Click Add and complete the options on the next screen.

  2. To create the list of options, go to Options and create Key Value Pairs.

    • These pairs consist of a machine readable key and a plain language value separated by a "|" - you can find it by holding shift while pressing the backslash key "\" key on most keyboards.

  3. Key value pairs MUST be specified as safe_key|Some readable option.

  4. Enter one option per line.

  5. Click Save component.

NOTE: When you are creating lists, the default type is radio buttons. The option to select a listbox instead is found down the page in the "Display" section. For accessibility reasons, do not use the radio buttons or checkboxes option, as these options are not screen reader friendly will fail accessibility checks.

Configure E-Mail options

Receiving the submitted webform

  1. Go to the WEBFORM tab and click on the E-mails sub-tab

  2. Fill in the e-mail address you want the form to be sent to and click Add. You can add multiple e-mail addresses.

  3. On the next page, you can set the Subject, From Address, From Name, and E-mail contents.

Sending a Confirmation Email to Users who have Submitted a webform

Step 1a – Ensure that the webform has an Email input field (using Type: E-mail).

  1. Under Find content, search for your Webform and select Edit.

  2. Select the Webform tab.

  3. Select the Form components tab.

  4. Under the list of form components, search for the Email form component that captures the email address for the confirmation email.

    • If there is an Email form component and the Type is E-mail, proceed to Step 2.

    • If there is an Email form component, but the Type is not E-mail proceed to Step 1b.

    • If there is no Email form component and you wish to add one, proceed to Step 1c.

Step 1b – Delete the old Email input field that is not using Type: E-mail

This step is only necessary if the “Type” for your Email form component is not E-mail.

  1. At this point, you should be viewing the Webform/Form components tab of your webform. If you are not viewing this page, return to Step 1a.

  2. Take note of any settings for the Email input field you wish to delete (eg. Label, Required checkbox). Remember that you will want to recreate these settings when you recreate the Email input field.

  3. Select Delete on the Email form component row.

  4. Proceed to Step 1c.

Step 1c – Create a new Email input field that uses Type: E-mail

  1. At this point, you should be viewing the Webform/Form components tab of your webform. If you are not viewing this page, return to Step 1a.

  2. At the bottom of the Form components table, use the very last row to add a new component.

    • Add the name of your new component using the New component name input field.

    • Select E-mail under the "Type" dropdown for your new component row.

    • Check Required if the email field is required.

    • Select Add.

Step 2 – Configure your webform to send confirmation emails to users.

At this point, you should have at least one Email form component on your webform that uses Type: E-mail. If you do not have an Email form component of type E-Mail, return to Step 1c.

  1. Under Find content, search for your webform.

  2. Select Edit.

  3. Select the WEBFORM tab.

  4. Select the E-mails tab.

  5. Click on the Component value radio button and select the component of the webform that captures the email address (it should match the label for your "Email" field).

  6. Click on the Add button.

  7. On the next page, you can set the E-mail subject, E-mail From Address, E-mail From Name, and E-mail contents.

    • Disclaimer: Users must switch from a Default Template to a Custom Template, otherwise the form submission values will not be included in the E-Mail

  8. Once you’ve set the email details, click Save e-mail settings.

Last updated