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The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) feature allows content editors to create a repository of commonly asked questions and their corresponding answers.
The FAQ page is automatically generated from the FAQ nodes configured and the layout of this page can be modified on the settings page. The generated FAQ page is always found at www.uoguelph.ca/sitename/faq.
On the Administration bar, navigate to Add Content
If you have FAQ categories defined, select the appropriate one. See more information on categories below.
Enter the Question in the "Question" field.
Enter the Answer in the "Answer" field.
Enter any tags or keywords that help categorize and organize your FAQ page.
Select Save
Your website may have a variety of FAQs that are directed at different groups of people. When this is the case, you can use categories to organize FAQs. One FAQ can only be associated with one category.
When logged into your website, navigate to Structure
> Taxonomy
Select list terms
from the FAQ category
Select Add term
Enter a name for the FAQ category. Keep in mind that these names will be visible to your site users. Examples include "Students FAQ" and "Faculty FAQ."
Select Save
When you navigate to your FAQ page at www.uoguelph.ca/sitename/faq, you will see a sidebar list called "FAQ Topics" that has been generated for you.
Now that you have created an FAQ category, you need to assign questions to it.
From your FAQ page, select a question. You will be brought to that question's page.
Select Edit
Using the "Category" drop-down menu, select the appropriate category.
Select Save
Your website may have some questions that apply to two or more groups of site users. In this case, you must use keywords instead of categories to organize FAQs.
Additionally, tags can be used across Drupal content types, not just FAQs. This means you can tag a variety of news articles, events, FAQs, features, and more, as they pertain to a particular group.
When logged into your website, navigate to Structure
> Taxonomy
Select list terms
from the Tags
Select Add term
Enter a name for the tag. Keep in mind that these names will be visible to your site users. Examples include "Undergraduate Students" and "Graduate Students."
Select Save
Now that you have created a tag, you need to associate questions with it.
From your FAQ page, select a question. You will be brought to that question's page.
Select Edit
In the "Keywords" field, type in the name of the tag. You can add multiple tags if needed, separated by a comma and a space.
Select Save
When you return to the question page you were editing, you should see a listing of its associated keywords (tags) in the sidebar.